Maybe it was the moldy tomatoes that sent her over the edge

So, this is going to be a gratitude post, but it will divert into complaints at stages. I’m doing alright, I’ve been enjoying being paid to post for Nobody Deserves Poverty in an official capacity, with a payslip, superannuation and all. I’m even accruing leave!

I braved taking the Corolla down to the community centre yesterday – I needed bread and this seemed the easiest way to accomplish that. It’s still not fixed – one more part got fixed yesterday but now we need Bruce to have time and energy to put it in, and he’s busy today and tomorrow so I’m back on the trains and buses to get to things still. It’s okay, and doable, just wanna see an end to this saga, which will just kick off the saga of the repairs that are needed on the Ford. There’s some taillight bulb housing and cabling coming today from ebay.

Men standing around a pallate of food

When I got down the foodbank, the giant truck delivering the Foodbank NSW order was pulling in and attempting to navigate the parking lot. These items on the palate are ordered by the local foodbank (and paid for) then shipped up from the giant warehouse to be on-sold or given to clients depending on how the foodbank works on the ground. This one on-sells most things with a nominal markup and provides emergency hampers when needed. Bread comes from the local supermaket and is free. The fruit an veg bags are usually $2 here, and sadly the tomatoes were moldy in the bag I got πŸ™

Last week they sold the bag for $1 because it only had Granny Smiths and Potatoes, but that’s totally what I was hoping for so I was super happy.

I’ve also learned why I don’t buy dirty potatoes, they’re SO MUCH MORE WORK.

Downloading Red Dead 2 again, because I haven’t since we reinstalled windows, so I can play the Halloween content soon, and gotta go in and do week three of Sims 4 Reaper Rewards. it seems that plan to just give everyone the max speed of their NBN at no extra cost has gone away. That’s a shame, it would be really useful for these giant downloads!

Started some Xmas shopping with the Amazon sale and popped some things on Zippay that have heavy discounts that have been on my wishlist. Sadly the monitor I want isn’t on sale, might wait til Black Friday, otherwise I can justify it with the HSC supervision work I’m doing over the next 4 weeks. And for “productivity” lol. Got some festoon lights for the back deck which will be way nicer than the current fluorescent that’s out there. Hopefully we can use that area this summer. Bruce put up one lot of my purple fairy lights this week, so I moved my Halloween meerkats to the front porch.

Anyways, I’ve got some cleaning to do while I wait for the downloads to finish, wannaΒ  get my place clean and tidy. Make the most of my little life because I’m just looking at my twitter feed and thankful my only problems are so small and there’s not an Israel or a Milton bearing down on me.

Love yas x


It’s the most wonderful time of the year

I have to say I’m pretty chuffed hearing back from people who had their Christmas dinners funded by my little thread on twitter. I feared it would flop or worse draw backlash. But it was so heartwarming πŸ™‚ Thanks you to everyone who gave and received!!!!!

My Christmas was good and quiet, cooked a Xmas eve dinner for Bruce and I, went up to my cousins for Xmas lunch, and had leftovers with Bruce and his son for Xmas dinner. I’m glad it was quiet because I’ve been a bit deaf in my ears since about Thursday and I tried wax removal but it’s not better despite a heap of wax coming out. My Right wrist seems to have succumbed to RSI and gave me shooting pain I couldn’t sleep with a few nights, and my ankle I rolled while moving is still giving me grief. I do believe my body is screaming at me to stop. Usually it just gives me a sore throat, but I guess I pushed through too much and here we are, ringing ears to ring in the new year? I have a GP appointment booked on the 4th, so if I’m still suffering then I can tell all my woes to my non-bulk-billed GP for $69 upfront.


So we’ve moved in a starting to settle – the kids moved out a few days ago too. That was a stressful time and lead up but I’m glad we were able to provide them with clean safe housing for a few months while they established their baby. (yes, like a plant. I’m thinking of planting a rosemary bush here)

So, I rest this week, potter around, drive my little car with its new purple steering wheel to the shops when my ears give me more feedback on the world.

Love yas!

And for our next stress – our house is being sold

This post was supposed to be a fun one about my new car. a blue 1998 Corolla we went up to Singleton to buy the other day. Her name is Bluey the Hello Kitty Corolla.

She doesn’t have any Hello Kitty yet, but by golly gee she will, and you can help this madness by buying me Hello Kitty car stuff like stickers and floor mats off my wishlist. I’ve got stickers coming to stickerbomb the dented left guard. The car is delightfully basic, manual window winders and the like. But it’s got great air con. We need to put in a new head unit, but we’re on that.

But no, of course, just as things were looking like settling down again, I missed a call coming back from taking my niece to her psych today, and it was the real estate. I call her back opening when she asked me how I was with well, always a bit wary when the real estate calls. She sounded so apologetic, but what can you do. We’re month to month, so we’ll have to wait and see if the buyers want vacant possession or to keep us on (presumably at increased rent). She did say if we find something we can give 21 days notice. but yeah. Let’s see how this goes.

I joked to Bruce at least our landlord didn’t die, only because my sister’s landlord died a few weeks ago and she’s seeing how that plays out. I’m thinking we need an old convent or similar to house us all, Growups and teens and tweens and kids and bebes and cats and dog and whoever else we pick up along the way.

SO yes, things are stressful.

We got my Nanna’s old fridge and bed on the weekend since her place has now sold, in an effort to accommodate the 3-4 adults and baby in this house depending on if my stepsons here for work too.

But how long we get to keep them here?


Hate the uncertainty. Hate it.