OMG it’s just a fucking window display and Palestinian Jews and Muslims and Christians like Jesus are being slaughtered in tents

So yeah I fucking love Xmas frivolity. I have my tree up and will be getting all the Xmas tees and skirts and dresses out as soon as I have a couple days sunshine to pop them through the wash. If Mary was trying to make her way back to the right town for the census this year she’d be herded from on place to another and would be counting her blessings even more if she got a manger and wasn’t in a refugee tent with planes and drones and soldiers all around.

If I was in Melbourne I’d go look at the windows at Myer each year. It’s totally up my alley. But you know, it’s not ruining Xmas to have a protest interrupt the opening. If it ruins your Xmas to not see the windows on Sunday this weekend, then, wow. Wow is all I have for you.

Your kids won’t mind if they have to go next Saturday instead. Of after school. Or any other day up til early January when they take them down. But I don’t think they kids will be the ones sad about it and I feel like the kids have more compassion for the other kids their age around the world than any adult who’s kicking up a fuss about this.

The mass exodus to Bluesky makes me sad. I mean I guess I’ll end up there if that’s what happens but I’m holding on to twitter as long as I can. I fkn live there babes. And I was already planning on hosting the #PoveratiXmas giving tree across both sites, so look for that hype at the start of December and get your wishlists and mutual aid requests ready, and hopefully some secret santa-ing will happen. Again super worried it’ll be a flop, but people have told me that they’ve been enjoying putting their wishes down so that’s sweet.

But I’m also just gonna play more video games I think hah.


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But I Don’t Wanna Quit Twitter

I mean quitting twitter isn’t what it was. Twitter isn’t what it was, but it’s still my base. (Aside from this blog, this is my base but Twitter is where I am most of the time). Quitting Twitter is a luxury, moving to another site with different people different rules. Or most of the same people, but less pesky arguments. Though it does seem like a bit of an auspol wankfest and there’s barely any mention of Palestine on Bluesky and other places. Might be because there’s still a lot of Palestinians using X to share that they’re still alive and their fundraisers and they don’t have that reach on any other site.


Don’t look away. If you are going to make your way to a new site, find the Palestinian voices there and amplify their stories and pictures and make sure they’re not forgotten because you want to be someplace nicer.

Ned Kelly / Hamas poster
Not sure where I got this, trying to find the artist

This week has been quiet, trying to rest, trying to just potter around the house, do my little chore, scream about my usual things online. Played some sims. Rolled some marbles. Read some news.

Trying to figure out my routine, keep my lil community.


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Who are the people on your Internet?

They’re the people that you meet when you’re sending that snarky tweet, when you’re thinking of pushing delete, each day.

I’m a little off this week. I’m mostly blaming the rental inspection and the extra work and stress that came with that. Spilled my hot porridge getting it out of the microwave this morning. Dropped a couple of other things too. Unjokingly stated that my goal for today was to not drop me. And if I did let it be a gentle and controlled fall to the ground. Onto cushions.

So if I’m a little off it’s because I’m feeling off. I was apparently burning up last night and I had some wild dreams, vivid ones, ones I don’t want to relive. Things are getting to me, I’m seeing myself being stubborn on things that don’t really serve me. And I should just ask for what I need from others more, but sometimes I just wish they’d realise and do it.

It isn’t helping that fixing the Corolla has been a long process and without it I can’t do many of the things in my regular routine – going to the foodbank for bread or treats, doing the recycling, taking the dog to the dog park etc. I should have caught the train into group today but I’m not feeling up to the hassle of the trains and the buses and they were having issues yesterday with all the rain too. So I’m home.

So when someone on twitter goes off at me for something that I know is more their issue than mine I’m up to one or two replies then I’m off to ignore them, do something to look after myself (like watch The Batman and get disappointed that they didn’t all die) and remember that I’m a real person, that while phonakins IS me she’s also only what I share with you, and more people need to be aware that noone can be everything to everyone, particularly on Twitter, where as much as it might feel like a friendship sometimes you need to step back and not take it all so personally. I think the one-and-a-half-sided friendships like on Twitch with creators often applies to Twitter interactions too. I also need to remember that I’m just a fangirl of some of these bigger accounts and not really a friend. It’s fun while it lasts but sometimes it’s real and sometimes it’s time for a reality check.

I’m off to strike a balance of food, electrolytes (it’s what plants crave) and caffeine and hope that helps get me through today.

I, for one, Welcome the New Minister for Homelessness Industries

Hey if it’s good enough to acknowledge that Defense and the Industries that make the money off it need two portfolios, why not come out and admit that’s what you and the minister for Charities are really about, with his stated aims to double donations to charities by 2030, ensuring that government has less to do with supporting people than supporting the well-meaning white women that do.

Meanwhile, Tony Burke has given up on ignoring Workforce Australia and is reminiscing about the glory days of introducing the policy that ensure refugees that arrived by boat wouldn’t settle in this country, leading the many years of deaths and torture on nearby dentition islands. Murray Watt has picked up Employment, and is soon to learn that it’s like herding cats rather than sheep and you should just give in to the evidence based demands of livable welfare payments and scrap punitive policies like Work for the Dole and the Cashless Welfare cards in all their forms.

Shorten has reinforced his true white-supremacist/Eugenicist leaning by becoming a founding member of Labor Friends of Israel,Β  whatever the fuck that is, and Peter Kahill wants to maintain social cohesion and the veneer of niceness with the special envoy role while no-one wants to touch the Islamophobia special envoy and Albo’s hoping that, like the prospect of a Republic will be quickly forgotten.

It’s the run-up to the election for sure, whether they call it early or we get to hold out til May, but it’s where we’re at.

Did you miss me while I was Twitter banned? I’m back baby!

First Dog tells it like it is

Twitter Jail

Welp, I’m in Twitter jail, apparently little right of appeal and may have just lost 17 years of my life for who knows what but probably just you know being on the right side of history over GENOCIDE and the like.


What a way to end an otherwise pretty good birthday week. Turned 42 on Monday, spent the day eating cake and hanging out with my partner.

Got a couple of gifts from Internet people, Ambrose sent lights and chockies and Trish send Japanese Snax. Bruce bought me a new monitor which should arrive today as an upgrade. The one he got me for me for my bday last year died in the move, which was sad.

The Lindt balls are long gone, and I need to figure out where the lights go around the outside of the house. Looking forward to trying all these snax!

So, a lot of plans have hit the wall, I want my Twitter account back, but I’m a bit crook and also tired and really don’t want to fight with fascists over this. Might just resurrect an alt on Monday and rebuild from there?

In the meantime, it’s probably a good thing I’ve started focusing more on this blog and running my life out of it in some ways – I made a support page with a donation form and my wishlist links for people to support me, I’ll add my other socials into my Contact page today and make sure links from there send people here instead of to a deleted Twitter page.

I have more things I want to write longform on, so maybe this is another nudge towards that? IDK. I’m sad.

You should all subscribe by email to this blog too, so they can’t keep us from each other xox