Welp, I’m in Twitter jail, apparently little right of appeal and may have just lost 17 years of my life for who knows what but probably just you know being on the right side of history over GENOCIDE and the like.
What a way to end an otherwise pretty good birthday week. Turned 42 on Monday, spent the day eating cake and hanging out with my partner.
Got a couple of gifts from Internet people, Ambrose sent lights and chockies and Trish send Japanese Snax. Bruce bought me a new monitor which should arrive today as an upgrade. The one he got me for me for my bday last year died in the move, which was sad.
The Lindt balls are long gone, and I need to figure out where the lights go around the outside of the house. Looking forward to trying all these snax!
So, a lot of plans have hit the wall, I want my Twitter account back, but I’m a bit crook and also tired and really don’t want to fight with fascists over this. Might just resurrect an alt on Monday and rebuild from there?
In the meantime, it’s probably a good thing I’ve started focusing more on this blog and running my life out of it in some ways – I made a support page with a donation form and my wishlist links for people to support me, I’ll add my other socials into my Contact page today and make sure links from there send people here instead of to a deleted Twitter page.
I have more things I want to write longform on, so maybe this is another nudge towards that? IDK. I’m sad.
You should all subscribe by email to this blog too, so they can’t keep us from each other xox