Farewell 2023

2023? Nothing really went as planned but hey, we made it through, right?

January 1, 2023

Who else started the year with things they wanted to achieve and find themselves wanted to restart the same things now? I had a great run at the start of the year, practicing Japanese on Duolingo daily while streaming it on Twitch and making new connections.

I think I managed a good 4 or 5 months before I stopped, not bad lol. Hoping to get back into it once my NBN connection is finally in, 5 more days to go after being without it for a month at the new place!

Yeah, we moved at the start of December, after housing and who was in it being a concern for much of the year. We had Bruce’s daughter move in with their partner and newborn in August – and became grandparents. Eeps. They stayed with us til just after this move, it’s been full on and all consuming at times, and I barely had to look after the baby directly! A whole heap of internet people became Aunties by keeping us in nappies and other household needs! Thanks you!!!

I met more of YOU in person, went to some rallies and meetups, thank you!

I want to do more of that this coming year, hop on the train to Sydney once a month for SOMETHING, a rally, training, a meetup. Something.

I saw G Flip live at the Bar on the Hill this year, first gig in forever I’ve been to, and will be Seeing K Flay this Valentines day!

SO, I’m going to start back on the Japanese, and Blogging more things that take thought and research rather than just off the cuff rants. And streaming games and Japanese. I wanna start practicing the scripts properly in Japanese, and maybe Arabic. I’m thinking of getting a graphics pad so I can write on screen better for practice. SO I do it more. I also need to get another second monitor since mine didn’t survive the move. Ugh. (My Wishlist?)

I need to walk more, eat better, all of that. As always. More food blogging perhaps. Not sure what the little life here looks like yet, we’ll see come the 8th or so lol. When life resumes properly for the year. I have a car to register and sell, so I can enjoy the little Corolla we got the week we found out we had to move (timing hey?)

A woman with fluffy purple hair and glasses wearing a purple onesie with lace shoulders and unicorns. She has a romper with fairy bread print over the top. She is holding a coffee in front of a coffee machine
December 31, 2023.



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