10:00 am WEDNESDAY 1st NOVEMBER 2023
Anti-Zionist Jewish activists have led an occupation and staged a ritual inside the office of
Defence Minister Richard Marles at 90-92 Broughman St. Geelong. A number of protestors
have secured themselves by their necks in the office’s reception using bicycle locks and are
refusing to leave. Others have blockaded the office’s main entrance and raised banners
reading ‘Stop The Genocide’, ‘Not In Our Name’, ‘Disarm Israel’, and ‘ALP Supports Ethnic
The group – made up of members of Jewish, Aboriginal, and other communities – demands
that Marles and the Federal Labor Government withdraw diplomatic, economic and military
support for Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestine. They call upon Marles to condemn
Israel’s devastating bombardment of Gaza and the West Bank. In the words of Jewish
demonstrator Nevo Zisin:
“I condemn the use of Jewish grief and trauma as justification for committing a
genocide against another people. The ongoing occupation and ethnic cleansing of
Palestinian people goes against my Jewish values”.
Antimilitarist activist Zelda Grimshaw also took part and had this to say:
“The ALP’s Richard Marles acts as a broker for major international weapons deals.
Taxpayer dollars should not be funnelled into the pockets of giant weapons
corporations. Australian-made weapons should not be trained on the people of
Noemie Huttner-Koros, a Jewish artist and writer, said:
“As a descendant of Holocaust survivors, I refuse to let Israel’s far-right government
weaponise our grief, pain and fear for the purpose of war crimes, invasion and
genocide. We want to show Jewish people in the diaspora that we can speak up.
Jews & Palestinians can and do live together. I see it as my ancestral duty to fight for
justice, peace and liberation for all.”
Another Demonstrator said:
“As an anti-Zionist Jew from a lineage of non-Zionist Jews, speaking out against
racism and settler-colonialism honours my Jewish ancestors. Jewish resistance to
Zionism is older than the Israeli regime itself.”

For further comment and media, please contact:
Dr. Shoshana Rosenberg: 0452 205 028; shoshana.k.rosenberg@gmail.com
Noemie Huttner-Koros: 0432 925 664; noemie.hk@gmail.com
Declan Furber Gillick: 0488127993; management@declanfurbergillick.com
Zelda Grimshaw: 0407757367; zelda@wagepeaceau.org



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